Brian Shahangian, DDS, is an accomplished dentist practicing at Los Feliz Dental Center in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Shahangian spends plenty of time with every patient to learn about their needs and plan effective, customized treatment. He and the team use the latest technology available to provide high-end services for their clientele.
Dr. Shahangian has a rich educational background. After completing high school in Paris, France, he also attended the Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital there. He earned his doctorate in dental surgery from the Universidad de Paris V Descartes in the same city.
Since obtaining his California dental license, he has continued to engage with training in new practices and has taught other university students in his field.
He obtained his California License in 1996 and since then he has accomplished extensive post graduate training in esthetic, implant, and restorative dentistry, such as:
Dr. Brian Shahangian is a former faculty member and teacher at UCLA, Restorative Department. He is practicing part time in his private practice. He is a standing member of Academy of General Dentistry.